Apparently, this happens when the SmartScreen Filter is unable to find information about the App that you are trying to download or run on your computer. 2. Some users have reported instances of SmartScreen Filter preventing them from downloading harmless Word Documents from Google Drive that they themselves had uploaded to Google Drive.
How to Turn Off SmartScreen Filter in Windows 10 or 8 Apr 09, 2015 How the SmartScreen Filter Works in Windows 8 and 10 May 10, 2017
May 22, 2017
Apparently, this happens when the SmartScreen Filter is unable to find information about the App that you are trying to download or run on your computer. 2. Some users have reported instances of SmartScreen Filter preventing them from downloading harmless Word Documents from Google Drive that they themselves had uploaded to Google Drive. How to disable Windows SmartScreen in Windows 10 Apr 27, 2015 How to Disable the SmartScreen Filter In Windows 8 or 10
May 22, 2017
Submit files to Microsoft Defender SmartScreen for review. If you believe a warning or block was incorrectly shown for a file or application, or if you believe an undetected file is malware, you can submit a file to Microsoft for review. For more info, see Submit files for analysis.. When submitting Microsoft Defender Smartscreen products, make sure to select Microsoft Defender SmartScreen How To Disable The SmartScreen Filter In Internet Explorer