A beginner's guide to understanding sudo on Ubuntu

Jul 29, 2012 bash - how to run two commands in sudo? - Stack Overflow An alternative using eval so avoiding use of a subshell:. sudo -s eval 'whoami; whoami' Note: The other answers using sudo -s fail because the quotes are being passed on to bash and run as a single command so need to strip quotes with eval.eval is better explained is this SO answer. Quoting within the commands is easier too: $ sudo -s eval 'whoami; whoami; echo "end;"' root root end; How to Run Shell Scripts with Sudo Command in Linux

Sudo is one of the most widely used commands by Linux administrators and beginners alike. In this guide, we will look at sudo command and its usages. During the installation of most Linux Systems, one is usually required to create a root user, also known as a superuser and a regular user as well.

sudo - Unix, Linux Command - Tutorialspoint

Please note that sudo will normally only log the command it explicitly runs. If a user runs a command such as sudo su or sudo sh, subsequent commands run from that shell will not be logged, nor will sudo’s access control affect them. The same is true for commands that offer shell escapes (including most editors).

sudo or superuser do is a utility used on Linux, BSD and Unix systems that provides the running command with root or Administrator privileges. Not every user needs to have root privileges but in some cases needs to run commands with root privileges. Apr 29, 2020 · In some Linux systems, for example Arch Linux, you need to install “sudo” package before creating a new sudo user. # pacman -S sudo. On Debian: # apt install sudo. On Ubuntu server and desktops, “sudo” is installed by default. Now add the newly created user to sudo group using the following command: $ sudo adduser ubuntuserver sudo Please note that sudo will normally only log the command it explicitly runs. If a user runs a command such as sudo su or sudo sh, subsequent commands run from that shell are not subject to sudo's security policy. The same is true for commands that offer shell escapes (including most editors). Jun 15, 2019 · Where command is the command for which you want to use sudo. Sudo will read the /etc/sudoers file and check whether the invoking user is granted with sudo assess. The first time you use sudo in a session, you will be prompted to enter the user password and the command will be executed as root. 2 days ago · For commands which accept a single command argument, that command can be sh or bash with multiple commands: sudo sh -c 'uname -a; who am i; uptime' As an aside, you generally don't need an explicit exit because the command will terminate anyway when it has executed the script (sequence of commands) you passed in for execution. Mar 06, 2020 · Using the Sudo Su command, you can only get access to commands that are required for your work. Users are encouraged to make use of Sudo Su whenever they need root privileges . In this tutorial, we will explain how to use Sudo Su Command in Linux efficiently.