Windows 8 OpenVPN Setup – IPVanish

4. Select the Router country .ovpn config file and click on "Open" 5. Click on "Upload" 6. Enter your ProtonVPN Username and Password. 7. In the "Custom Configuration" section at the bottom of the page you'll see something similar to the following (other than the last line). Client. remote-random. resolv-retry infinite. tun-mtu 1500. tun-mtu stmuremoteuser__ssl_vpn_config.ovpn - Google Drive Sign in. stmuremoteuser__ssl_vpn_config.ovpn - Google Drive. Sign in OpenVPN setup for private internet access (PIA VPN) OSMC

#331 (Windows 8 and 'cryptoapicert' does not work

How to Setup OpenVPN On Windows Server 2019 | Liquid Web

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OpenVPN setup for private internet access (PIA VPN) OSMC Jul 26, 2019 [HOWTO] OSMC/Rasp Pi as OpenVPN client - OSMC Forums