Ruby 2.3.3p222 (RailsInstallerでインストール) Ocra 1.3.10 (Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.3, 2.0.0、および2.1.5をサポート) サポート外のRuby2.3.3を使っているのはご愛敬。 手順. Rubyにパスの通ったコマンドプロンプト(Command Prompt with Ruby and Rails)を起動します。 インストール

Apr 16, 2020 · Ocra is used to generate a self-extracting Windows executable file that contains both the Ruby script and the Ruby interpreter, with all the required dependencies. These scripts and dependencies are compressed with the LZMA compression algorithm. With the help of the OCRA gem building a Windows executable was relatively straightforward. OCRA produces an executable that is self-extracting and self-running. Under the hood, the executable contains your Ruby source code, all required Ruby libraries and gems (and even Windows DLLs), as well as the Ruby interpreter to run it all. Most of the time, things like this can easily be done by Web scraping or vendor APIs, but we can also instruct browsers to do these systematically. In this article, we will use Ruby as the commanding force and Watir-webdriver (Watir stands for Web automation testing in Ruby) as the bridge between Ruby and the browser. Beautiful red-stemmed plants, 4-5' tall, produce distinctive scarlet-red pods. Tender, slightly ribbed pods are best when 3 to 6" long. GARDEN HINTS: Soak seed in warm water overnight to speed germination. A gem is a collection of Ruby code that we can extract into a “collection” which we can call later. Your Gemfile should always be in the root of your project directory, this is where Bundler expects it to be and it is the standard place for any package manager style files to live.

The building is absolutely beautiful and Marcia and her husband are SO accommodating. Their passion towards this business and people is undeniable. Our day was absolutely perfect at The Ruby Cora, and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Thank you to Marsha and her husband Nathan for their endless hard work and all the help they supplied.

What Kind Of Okra Is Red - Difference Between Red Okra and

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As with any OCRA program, its always a good idea to trap Ctrl-C escapes to ensure that you have a normal ‘exit’ out of your Ruby program so that the temporary directory can be erased and not leave a bunch of Ruby source code on the user’s computer. 覚え書き: ocra による Ruby の EXE 化 ocra による Ruby の EXE 化 近頃はずっと仕事が忙しく、mruby を見たり遊んだりもまったくできないので、業務で使わせていただいている ocra について、主に社内用にメモしておきます。 JsMruby やその他のリクエストに対応できていなくてご